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Title: Elmer E. Flack, Bruce M. Metzger: The Text, Canon and Principal Versions of the Bible. Michigan, Gran Rapids, 1956 [Reseña]
Authors: Ayuso Marazuela, Teófilo, 1906-1962
Issue Date: 1960
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Citation: T. Ayuso Marazuela, "Elmer E. Flack, Bruce M. Metzger: The Text, Canon and Principal Versions of the Bible. Michigan, Gran Rapids, 1956. [Reseña]": Estudios Bíblicos 19/3 (1960) 252-253.
ISSN: 0014-1437MIAR
Language: es
Format: Reseña
Appears in Collections:Estudios Bíblicos - 1960 Vol. 19 Nº 3

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