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Estudios Bíblicos - 1995 Vol. 53 Nº 3

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 26 of 26
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995Denise Lardner Carmody / John Tully Carmody, Peace and Justice in the Scriptures of the World Religions (Mahwah, NJ, Paulist Press. 1988) 191 p. [Recensión]Lage, F.
1995Ein neuer Schlüssel zum 17. Kapitel der johanneischen OffenbarungHolwerda, David E.
1995Hezekiah's Illness and Visit According to JosephusBegg, Christopher T.
1995El uso simbólico-teológico de los animales en los profetas del exilioMayoral López, Juan Antonio
1995Ben Sira 2 y el Nuevo TestamentoCalduch-Benages, Nuria
1995The Reader in Genesis 22:1-19: Textsyntax--Testsemantics--TextpragmaticsWieringen, Archibald L.H.M. van, 1963-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 26 of 26