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Title: Mary Co-redemptrix in the Spanish Tradition and Its Definability
Authors: Giménez González, Agustín  
Keywords: Mariología
Virgen María
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: International Marian Association
Citation: A. Giménez González, "Mary Co-redemptrix in the Spanish Tradition and Its Definability": Ecce Mater Tua: A Journal of Mariology 2 (2019) 73-86.
Abstract: There is an Italian song by Andrea Boccelli named Vivo per Lei, “I live for Her,” that is, for Music. The song says beautiful things about music, as if music was a Lady. At one moment he confesses: If I had another life, I would also live it for her. I very much like to hear this song while looking at Mary, our Holy Mother, instead of Music. At this point of the song, I always think that if I had not one, but a million more lives, I would like to live them all for Her, for our Lady. I would want to spend my time talking about Her, loving Her, studying Her, entering more and more deeply into her Heart. My essay has two different parts. The first one is about Spain and Coredemption. The second one is a biblical reflection on the convenience of proclaiming Co-redemption as a Marian dogma.
ISSN: 2573-5799MIAR
Language: en
Format: Artículo
Appears in Collections:Libros, Capítulos de libros y Artículos

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