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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1965Baudouin de Ford, Le sacrement de Vautel, Tom. I, II. Editions Du Cerf, Paris, 1963. 301 y 395 págs., respectivamente. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1958Brunot, Amedée: La génie littéraire de Saint Paul. (Lectio Divina, 15.) Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 1955, 254 pp. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1955Ernst Lohmeyer : Die Offenbarung des Johannes. (Handbuch zum N. Τ. 16). Tübingen, J. G. B. Mohr. 1955. Zweite, ergänzte Aufl. 208 pp.; Peter Ketter : Die Apocalypse. (Die Heilige Schrift. Band XVI-2). Freiburg. Herder. 1953. 3. Aufl. ΧΙI-322 pp.Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1969M. F. Wiles, The Divine Apostle. The interpretation of St. Paul's Epistles in the early Church. Cambridge University Press. Bentley House. London, 1967. VI + 161 págs. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1970R. P. Martín, Carmen Christi. Philippians II, 5-11 in recent Interpretation and in the Setting of Early Christian Worship (Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series. 4.) Cambridge Univ. Press. 1967. XII + 364 págs. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1969S. Zeitlin, The Rise and Fall of the Maean state. Volume Two 37 B.C.E.-66. C.E. The Jewish Publication Society of América, Philadelphia, 5727-1967. XIII + 465 págs. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.
1967Vernon H. Neufeldt, The Earliest Christian Confessions (New Tes- tament Tools and studies, edited by Bruce M. Metzger, Vol. V). Edit. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1963. XIII + 166 págs. [Reseña]Díaz i Carbonell, Romuald M.