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Showing results 57 to 65 of 65 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1944S. M. Shaw: Our Living Faith. Burns Oates & Washboume Ltd. London, 1942 [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1943Shane Leslie: Letters of Herbert Cardinal Vaughan to Lady Herbert of Lea. With an Introduction by James Brodrick, S. J. Burns Oates [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1958Sister Rose Bernard Donna, Despair and hope. A study in Langland and Augustine. Washington, 1948; 192 págs. [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1948St. Thomas Aquinas, and V. White, O. P.: How to study? Blackfriars. Oxford, 1947, 43 págs. [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1958Studia Mariana: Cura Commissionis Marialis Franciscanae edita: Second Franciscan National Marian Congress in celebration of the Marian Year in honor of the centenary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. San Francisco California, 1954 [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1946VI Asamblea de Estudios Marianos: Organizada por la Sociedad Mariológica EspañolaLuis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1963VI Semana de Estudios Josefinos (28-31 de agosto, en Ávila)Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1948W. Bernard Dyer, O. S. C. : All ye that pass by. Some thoughts and pravers on the sorrows of aur Blessed Lady. Burnes Oates and Washbourne ltd. London, 1944. 64 págs. [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994
1951Walter Ullmann: The origins of the great schism. A study in fourteenth-century ecclesiastical history. Burns Oates Washbourne Ltd. London, 1948. 244 págs. [Reseña]Luis Iglesias, Angel, 1909-1994